Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 3

1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
I would like to develop some archival skills and learn what there is to archiving. I want to develop skills that I haven't ever used before in school or in other places outside school. Because my site is quite unique, I really get a special set of skills that match my internship.

2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
Looking at all the pictures that I have been scanning, I have learned some very new things about San Diego and about especially San Diego and its maritime history. After all I work in the maritime museum. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it right? But instead of textbooks I have pictures. Did you know that the USS California had a boxing team? I didn't until just recently.

3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?
Some needs I can address with my skills and interests are the speed of uploading pictures and the quality of the uploaded pictures. When you take a picture of a picture you end up with a somewhat blurry photograph. Because the pictures are used for research and for reference I would like to up the quality of the photographs. Using a scanner can help alleviate this problem but there is a problem with the scanner. Speed. The scanner takes a while just to scan one photograph. I want to find a happy balance between speed and quality so that everything looks very nice and put together by bringing in more updated technology (The computers at my site have an old version of XP, I have a Macbook Pro).


Some projects I have in mind are trying to find the happy medium between quality and speed for the long term for the museum, streamlining the catalogue, sanding out problems with the catalogue, and sorting through collections to make more space because they could definitely use some. There's not really too much to get creative with, but this is fine.

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